- Local Culture is a custom in certain areas or regions that are passed from generation to generation by the older generation to the next generation in the scope of the area. Culture of this region appears when the population of a region already have the mindset and the same social life so that it becomes a habit that distinguishes them with residents - residents of another. Culture itself began to be seen growing areas in Indonesia at the time of the kingdom - the kingdom earlier.
- Culture is a combination of local culture in the country. That meant that experienced local cultural assimilation and acculturation with other dareah in a country will continue to grow and develop into habits of that State. Examples Pancasila as the state, Indonesian and Anthem are triggered in the Youth Pledge October 12, 1928, followed by all the youth of various regions in Indonesia, which was determined to unite Indonesia by equating the mindset that Indonesian culture is different in each region but remains in one unit Indonesia Raya in the motto "Unity in Diversity".
Without culture, a State can not have characteristics in the eyes of the world. However, the anxiety of the artists and public figures that have been hanging out with natural Indonesian culture is the lack of recognition or affirmation of a variety of ethnic, cultural, traditional and natural wealth of Indonesia by the government. Are they embarrassed and reluctant to take care of things like this? Is it possible for those who are especially important in the handle is a political affairs that do not heal .. when it is getting swollen caution the people of Indonesia. This is actually already familiar, but if forwarded increasingly ironic melihatnyaa. There will be how many more cultures will be recognized by foreign countries, especially our neighboring countries (Malaysia). Actualy, not only Malaysian who will admit Indonesia culture, but other countries can do. If the defense and law to protect the culture not clench.
Indonesia is a country that has many islands that are united by the sea. Indonesia has many traditional medicines, even when compared to most Indonesians State ginseng many types of herbs. Not only that even the Indonesian people can examine and process. Indonesian culture not only of music instruments, songs and clothes only. You could say all of the material that God gave the earth is owned by Indonesia. Among others:
- Religion diverse
- Petroleum
- Sulfur, Gold, Coal etc.
- Flora & Fauna
- Traditional house
- Local languages
- The traditional clothing of each area
- Tools and types of traditional music
- The number of natural charm that is not inferior to other countries (forests, hills, valleys, etc.)
- A variety of martial arts and dance tradioional, etc.
With so many cultures of the region will be a source of national culture that the State of Indonesia.
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