Common language used is English Aceh. In it there are several local dialects, such as Aceh Rayeuk, dialect Pidie and North Aceh dialect. As for language dialect known Gayo Gayo Lut, Gayo series and Gayo Lues.
There life Malay custom
, which governs all the activities and behavior of citizens bersendikan Islamic law. Application of Islamic law in this province is not new. Long before the Republic of Indonesia was established, precisely since the imperial era, Islamic law has seeped into themselves the people of Aceh.
History shows how the people of Aceh to make Islam as a guide and scholars also received an honorable place. Recognition for the privilege of Aceh with the Islamic Shari'a then clarified by Act No. 44 of 1999 menggenai the Special Status of Aceh. In Act 11 of 2006 regarding Aceh Government, stated that the areas of al-syakhsiyah (family issues, such as marriage, divorce, inheritance, guardianship, living, nannies and joint property), mu`amalah (issue procedures in the lives of our fellow human beings live everyday, such as buying and selling, leasing, and borrowing), and jinayah (crime) which is based on Islamic law governed by qanun (local regulations).
The law provides flexibility for Aceh to regulate people's lives according to the teachings of Islam. Even so, people of other faiths to worship guaranteed in accordance with the assurance respectively. This is the social and cultural patterns of Aceh, with the majority religion of Islam there but the province also has religious diversity.
Arts and cultural diversity makes the province has its own charm. In the literary arts, the province has 80 folklore contained in Acehnese, Gayo language, Aneuk Jame, Tamiang and Semelue. Other literary form is poetry known as the saga, with one of the famous saga is Sabi War (Holy War).
Dance Aceh also has specialty and uniqueness, the traits among others originally only performed in certain ceremonies ritual is not a spectacle, a harmonious combination of dance, music and literature, danced en masse with a limited arena, repeated movement monotony in the motion patterns are simple and done repeatedly, as well as the presentation of a relatively long time.
Dances that exist among others Seudati, Saman, rampak, Rapai, and Rapai Geleng. The last dance of the most famous and is a blend of dance and Saman Dance Rapai.
In the field of fine arts, Rumoh Aceh is a work of architecture that is standardized according to the cultural demands of the time. Another work of art is sculpture, characterized by calligraphy. Aceh is the typical weapon rencong. Basically cultural fusion between metal processing (metallurgy) with art forging and shape. The most famous type of dagger is siwah.
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