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About Culture

Definition Of Culture
About Culture

Culture is a way of life that developed and shared by a group of people and passed down from generation to generation. Culture is made up of many complex elements, including religious and political system, customs, languages, tools, clothing, buildings, and works of art. Language, as well as culture, an integral part of human beings so many people tend to think of genetically inherited. When someone is trying to communicate with people who berbada culture and adjust differences, proving that it dipelajari.Budaya culture is a holistic lifestyle. culture is complex, abstract, and spacious. Many aspects of culture helped determine the communicative behavior. Elements of socio-cultural spread and includes many social activities manusia. many reason why people have difficulty when communicating with people from other cultures is seen in the definition of culture : 

Culture is a complex device values polarized by an image containing a view on own merits. "The image of the force" that take different forms in different cultures such as the "rugged individualism" in America, "the individual harmony with nature" d Japan and "collective compliance" in China. Cultural image of the force brsifat equip its members with guidance on proper behavior and set a world of meaning and logical value which can be borrowed for members of the most understated to gain a sense of dignity and affinity with life mereka.Dengan thus, providing a framework budayalah coherent to organize one's activities and enable it to predict the behavior of others.

Culture is closely connected with the community. Melville J. Herskovits and Bronislaw Malinowski argued that everything contained in the society is determined by culture owned by society itself. The term for that opinion is Cultural-determinism.

Herskovits sees culture as something handed down from one generation to another, which is then referred to as superorganic. According to Andreas Eppink, contains the entire understanding of the culture of social values, social norms, knowledge and overall social structures, religious, and others, in addition all the intellectual and artistic expression that characterizes a society.

According to Edward Burnett Tylor, culture is a complex whole, which has in it the knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs, and other abilities from any person as a member of society.

Elements of Culture

Koentjaraningrat (1985) says there are seven elements of culture. He calls it the substance of culture. These seven elements of universal culture are :
- art
- Technology systems and equipment
- System of community organizations
- language
- Livelihood systems and economic systems
- system knowledge
- religious system

In this modern era as the original culture of our country was already beginning to fade, the factors of foreign culture is greatly influenced the growth of life in our country. For example just young people today, they are very enthusiastic and up to date to know also follow the development of the cultural life abroad. Actually, not only the old people who have to introduce and preserve the indigenous culture of our country but also the young people to be happy and loved the original culture of their own country.

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