The history of human civilization long stretches since thousands even millions of years ago. Let's look back to a bit of thinking and dhikr ...
1. Ancient China

2. Ancient Egypt

The achievements of Ancient Egyptian civilization among others: construction engineering monuments like the pyramids, temples, and obelisks; knowledge of mathematics; treatment techniques; irrigation systems and agriculture; The first ship ever known; technology translucent glaze pottery and glass; new art and architecture; Ancient Egyptian literature; and the first peace treaty ever known. Egypt has left a lasting legacy. Art and architecture widely imitated, and antiques made in this civilization was brought up to the end of the world. Monumental ruins became the inspiration for the rover and writers for centuries.
3. Meso America
Mesoamerica is a term tha
t refers to the geographic area that stretches from the tropics of Cancer in tengahMeksiko down to Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, and Nicaragua, to the northwest of Costa Rica. This region is characterized by cultural homogeneity owned indigenous population in this area. Settlement here has been around since 5100 BC.
Mesoamerican region is characterized also as a development of some of America's first advanced cultures such as the Olmec (1200 BC), Teotihuacan, Maya, and Aztec. These cultures have developed complex societies, reached a high level of technological evolution, build monumental architecture, and deserve a lot of conditions and the concept of culture.
4. Ancient India
Here civilization began in 6000 BC. According to archaeologists today, in the ancient city of Mohenjodaro (Pakistan) found many human skeletons scattered, as many clues indicating their tremendous calamity stricken suddenly. In a city that is the story of the Ramayana epic battle sourced based manuscripts ditemukan.Pada frameworks there are remnants of highly radioactive. Similarly happened in the ancient city Kurusetra and Harappa, both cities were left the same impression as radioactive occur as in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
5. Mesopotamia
Mesopotamia is located between two major rivers, the Euphrates and the Tigris. The area that is now the Republic of Iraq was in ancient times called Mesopotamia, which in Greek means "(regions) in between the rivers". Mesopotamia name already used by the ancient Greek and Latin authors, sepertiPolybius (2nd century BC) and Strabo (60 BC-20 AD). Mesopotamian history begins with the growth of a civilization, which is believed to be the center of the

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