The temple is located in Simping and entered in the book written Negarakertagama MPU Prapanca with Grammar beautiful and perfect, Brandes found in West Lombok Narmada, In the Era Bung Karno is a resident for tumpengan Tribute Ceremony at the ancestral founder of Majapahit although the situation has been destroyed and not diupacarai when Islam takes over java 500 years ago, Netherlands Age Population back allowable ceremony, Because Netherlands even anti-Christian but not if Ceremony Culture Milled Cane Sugar Factory remains customary ceremony salvation pieces Buffalo, Married / mantenan Cane etc also Gospels diterjemahlan language Java and no Jawi Wetan Church with the Holy Book and Gerejapun Java language like Java Cultural Temple, and Temple Law Statblat protected even in 1927 and used until today include books that tell Tan Khoen Swie jayabaya and Sabdopalon also protected Law For Real where the Dutch already know that would lose to Japan and when the Japanese invaded the Dutch surrendered unconditionally to General Imamura in Linggarjati, and now the Book of Tang Kgoen Swie so kadhiri history since 2006 Book Pararaton that says Ken Arok Marauder also issued but no author described and the new Java language so the Islamic era may be created so that could be published and read in the Age of Islam by writing Ken Arok robber, who was a Buddhist teachings and history books burned all to Bali just to survive proven Lontar Lontar Kertiya House Singaraja still collecting Hundreds of Thousands Lontar relics unearthed majapahit including Sutasoma Bung Karno for the foundation of our country,
namely Pancasila, Proven Negarakertagama found in West Lombok, in Java, all of which smelled of Buddha destroyed by Islam [History kadhiri], and the Age of Dutch Population freely improvised ceremony because Procedures the ceremony was minimal stay gugon tuhon or she Parents rewritten because the MPU expert to testify not only complete it certainly is not the essence of the mind alone, others with Bali Lestari ceremony and complete as well as Lontar Lontar majapahit previously Age Sindog and MPU MPU Bharadah, MPU Kuturan, Dah Hyang Nirata etc, the island Bali is not colonized Islam since the first since Bali Strait and Port precisely malignant sea in Singaraja North shore waves are not South fierce and fortunately after the collapse of majapahit Trowulan it Singaraja Bali master Blambangan to Banyuwangi many Kejawennya that in 1965-1966 also finally puts to and Ceremony Nyuguh Danyang, ruwat Village prohibited, but the rest of the rest of Kejawen even supervised still trying to preserve, although 2010 Member of Parliament expelled for alleged Communist Generating this trick to suppress the people who are not into the mosque, the Islamic forces once difficult to cross to beat Bali, and Islam happen to not have Force numpas only sea on land, until the Netherlands, and the UK which have Fortugis AL can dominate the archipelago.
Mother Temple in Bali since 1000 years Airlangga Mahendradata remain consecrated until any time during the Bali there to attract world attention on this customary. And became example and be a place to learn Buddhist ceremony rare Shiva. And in this world only in Bali odalan and Caru, until America must be made even if Caru Balinese experts. 1965-1966 Murder People who are not into the mosque and accused of Communists, this also is the case in this majapahit kawitan temple, Hardjo Samin The Interpreter Lock to V since the Age of the Netherlands was kidnapped and his body was not detected until today, As Governor of Bali which is also without a trace that famous people named Sutedja near Bung Karno. Witnesses said that the night life was Hardjo menegenakan White long sleeve shirt rolled up under the elbow, no green box Glove box Bung Karno Ala hats are chatting in the Village Hall We Tuwo Simping Sumberjati, and were treated to a glass of coffee and two pieces of Jadah Ketan, had a drink yet come some people ask "'who Arjo Samin?" The Interpreter Lock Temple and dedengkot Kejawen who likes tumpengan and not to the mosque is said that he,
Dan Persons Unknown people took him away and have witnessed many of the past if nyulik and invade a village taken Outsiders and similar events organized vigorous Banten Pandeglang The TV says Organized and people outside the local village. And the victim later the local village people and this provoked in Adili sake look enforce current law. Medium Actor Intellectual Laugh out loud shriek see his engineering success. Gaius example, Century etc. The next day his wife and some of his family seek and the Interpreter Lock most revered temple of the descendants of this Majapahit in kedaan Pale Pacific and Abandonment in Find on Hold in order WADANG Police Station, but the next day he had nothing in BON [debt] man, and his family were given gloves, shirt and cap the interpreter Key kawitan temple, and until now there was no news about him, We Tuwo [Chairman Hamlet] also lost but fortunately there is his grave was found his body and his son said that also saw Hardjo [read: Arjo] the dipper is now old and called Mbah Darman, Yang disadvantaged village chief who oversees the archipelago kawitan temple also disappear without trace into the earth tub kidnapped People who have Islamic religious leaders. And this has become common knowledge. These are just some small examples. And many other places experiencing similar but not identical. 1966 Temple, Sacred Punden on in Destroy and because Followers who like salvation and tumpengan The temple is considered Pagan / The musrikin many killed, Pengahncuran Petilasan MPU Supa Pande Jenggala kris also occur in the region, the story also Mbah Wardi / Mbah idolatrous [followers Musrikin] who said that the destruction of the previous 1965 intact and in sajeni / dberi Suguh residents also spent because no mosque. And later Temple kawitan majapahit start crowded VIPs from jakarta and 2010 Already there are tumpengan back Ganesha Pratima Includes Front Dwi will meruwat universe in Bali Matur Piuning in this temple And Brahmaraja XI took him to Bali and in bali welcomed a large scale
since Gilimanuk to Denpasar which also stopped by mature Piuning ancestral temple to temple along the way including the State majapahit bali up lodged in Jagatnata. And in Krap until the sun Publishing Sanur Beach followed Tribe, Race and Religion [SARA] around the World. Country Situation Bung Karno seem to be more severe when lowered, 1967, Prohibition and destruction ceremony where ancestors are considered to be so vicious, great-grandfather Brahmaraja in Mount Kuncung Reef gayam Jenggala also his statue in Gelundungkan from the top of the mountain, but strangely statue was returned to the place of the original story of the locals People who do not know the damage Punden and temple because people outside the village and key Savior Fortunately survived and can tell you do not like Interpreter Lock Simping lost temple kidnapped, this place is Sacred Bird past fall, even before there was F 16 via voice Grudug Grudug also fell just a few kilometers from Karanggayam Terri is close to Maospati madiun Aircraft Center F 16, and for 2 months in the soil of this region and the sound of thunder of explosions to residents fear, Team Volcanology of Bandung has come to investigate and put an earthquake seismograph recording, but the results unclear what caused the explosion was a roar and [MNC TV], mother Brahmaraja XI is advised "Ojo lali karo Mbah jonggo iku Engkongku, lek nauseated Sekaren time ..." and Brahmaraja XI often nyekar together RM Tjokro Sultanate Son General First in Indonesia Oerip Soemohardjo hero whose name is used the name Main Street in Surabaya Surprisingly this place never Down People like Brahmaraja XI crowned His face shone like gold and RM Tjokrohadiningrat say that the god Vishnu because He memorized the attributes of the god crowned People's even said to Brahmaraja XI "Ingsun niku Panjenengan, Panjenengan nggih Ingsun "not yet clear what it means, including witnesses said Dimas Andhika of Maspati Surabaya.
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