This trip may be very complete and suitable for anyone. Starting from mountainous areas minimal pollution and airy with fantastic natural scenery nan, volcanic lakes in the area of perennial snow mountains are awesome, and goes wild life of the metropolis and shopping in big cities.

Region of Western Canada (Canada West) has long been known for its natural scenic beauty reputation incredible. While the region of Eastern Canada (Eastern Canada) is known to be a row of large cities that combines elements of European culture nan aristocrats and excitement of New York City metropolis. For those who like to enjoy the sensation of the natural life nan still virgin territory of Northern Canada (Canadian North) can be selected.
weve Canada is not a tourist destination cheap, especially if the trip is done from Indonesia. Until now there is no low-cost airlines (low-fare) which serves direct flights between Southeast Asia to Canada. Perhaps, this is one of the elements that made the trip costs Canada so it was expensive. Not to mention the value of its currency only intensified lately, things that make expenditures in accommodation, local transportation and meals so follow expensive.
It would be better if there is a special guide-saving trip to Canada to help how to plan your trip to Canada following saving important information you need to know and be prepared before traveling. It must be recognized that the country's symbolic red mapple leaf is one of the countries with the condition of the cleanest air in the world, making it suitable for those who are lovers of natural scenic beauty. Moreover, very rarely in this world we can gain a foothold in a country which has six zones at the same time directly adjacent to the 3 major oceans in the world. Obviously this is a unique experience that may rarely be enjoyed by most people.
Surrounded by three great oceans namely Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic, Canada is a land with spectacular natural beauty in addition to a series of nan modern metropolis. State with the maple leaf symbol is divided into 10 provinces and 3 territories, namely :
Nova Scotia
This province is the center of maritime activities in Canada with a super beautiful landscaping, stunning coastal scenery and diverse fishing center. The main icon of the province is the port city of Halifax, which is one of the most beautiful small town in Canada, which can still be found many relics of the building from the 18th century.
New Brunswick
Located between the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick known as the maritime provinces. In Fundy National Park, you can see one of the largest and strongest wave in the world, while at the Grand Manan and Campobello islands known as the paradise of wild animal life and is also a great place for lovers 'bird watching'. Gulf of St. Lawrence also is a favorite tourist spot during summer vacation.
Prince Edward Island
Smallest provinces in Canada are dominated by natural green color is located near the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Visiting this place will relieve the stress experienced by those who live in urban areas because of the peace and quiet atmosphere there. The provincial capital - Charlottetown is a small town located on a quiet beach nan, often a prime destination for travelers who want to get away from the noisy bingarnya life of the metropolis.
To Be Continued....
To Be Continued....
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